Pursuant to Section 721.855, Florida Statutes, Tropical Sands Resort Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation has recorded a Claim of Lien in the amount of (See Exhibit “A”), with interest accruing at the daily per diem rate of (See Exhibit “A”), and recorded in Instrument Number (See Exhibit “A”), of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida, and the undersigned Trustee as appointed by Tropical Sands Resort Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation, hereby formally notifies (See Exhibit “A”) if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above-named Obligor(s) that due to your failure to pay the annual assessment(s) due on (See Exhibit “A”) and all assessment(s) thereafter, you are currently in default of your obligations to pay assessments due to Tropical Sands Resort Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida Not-ForProfit Corporation on the following described real property located in Lee County, Florida: (See Exhibit “A”) Time Share Interest(s) (See Exhibit “A”) according to the Declaration of Condominium, recorded in Official Records Book 1608, at Page 2098, of the Public Records of Lee County, Florida. As a result of the aforementioned default, Tropical Sands Resort Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida Not-ForProfit Corporation hereby elects to sell the Property pursuant to Section 721.855, Florida Statutes. Please be advised that in the event that your obligation is not brought current (including the payment of any fees incurred by Tropical Sands Resort Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida NotFor-Profit Corporation in commencing this foreclosure process) within thirty (30) days from the first date of publication, the undersigned Trustee shall proceed with the sale of the Property as provided in Section 721.855, Florida Statutes, in which case, the undersigned Trustee shall: (1) Provide you with written notice of the sale, including the date, time and location thereof; (2) Record the notice of sale in the Public Records of Lee County, Florida; and (3) Publish a copy of the notice of sale two (2) times, once each week, for two (2) successive weeks, in a Lee County newspaper. If you fail to cure the default as set forth in this notice or take other appropriate action with regard to this foreclosure matter, you risk losing ownership of your timeshare interest through the trustee foreclosure procedure established in Section 721.855, Florida Statutes. You may choose to sign and send to the undersigned trustee the objection form provided to you by mail, exercising your right to object to the use of the trustee foreclosure procedure. Upon the undersigned trustee’s receipt of your signed objection form, the foreclosure of the lien with respect to the default specified in this notice shall be subject to the judicial foreclosure procedure only. You have the right to cure your default in the manner set forth in this notice at any time before the undersigned trustee’s sale of your timeshare interest. If you do not object to the use of the trustee foreclosure procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment even if the proceeds from the sale of your timeshare interest are insufficient to offset the amounts secured by the lien.
Dated: November 28, 2023
By: Harry Klausner, Esq., as Trustee EXHIBIT “A” Legal Description of property being foreclosed: UNIT NUMBER(S) (see below) WEEK NUMBER(S) (see below) OF TROPICAL SANDS RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM AND EXHIBITS THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1608, AT PAGE 2098, ET SEQ., PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY FLORIDA AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY. Owner(s)/Obligor(s)* / Unit and Week / Default Date / Instr # Lien / Lien Amount / Daily Per Diem of Lien Amount / Current Amount owed under lien including costs, attorney fees and any additional maintenance fees / Last known mailing address
Kristen Missimer as surviving joint tenant of Joan B. DeCicca, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2K WEEK NUMBER 49 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,723.03 / $1.07 / $2,138.27 / 143 Nantucket Dr. Reading PA 19605
Danielle Yeater / UNIT NUMBER 2F WEEK NUMBER 47 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 6430 Ben Hogan Cir. N. Ft. Myers FL 33917-3291
John B. Zokoe and Paula M. Zokoe / UNIT NUMBER 1D WEEK NUMBER 16 and UNIT NUMBER 3C WEEK NUMBER 32 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 421 Emerson Dr. Myrtle Beach SC 29579
Susan S. B. Brown and Sue Brown Parsons / UNIT NUMBER 2M WEEK NUMBER 16 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 13179 Fred-Amity Rd. Fredricktown OH 43019
John J. Ward and Eileen A. Ward / UNIT NUMBER 2E WEEK NUMBER 24 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / P.O. Box 290073 Charlestown MA 02129
Marie E. Chase and Robert A. Brady and Lynette A. Brady, Surviving Joint Tenants of Stephen M. Brady, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 19 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,180.38 / $0.79 / $1,586.92 / 17352 Ringneck Dr. Macomb MI 48044
Darlena J. Corley, Surviving Spouse of Craig D. Corley, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2C WEEK NUMBER 36 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 1402 Mapleton Ct. Arlington TX 76018
Todd P. Muse / UNIT NUMBER 1H WEEK NUMBER(S) 3 & 4 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,743.35 / $1.08 / $2,158.91 / 4134 Vantage Cir. Sebring FL 33872-3410
Robert J. Schwind and Nancy J. Schwind / UNIT NUMBER 3A WEEK NUMBER 42 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 16508 St. Anthony Lane Cleveland OH 44111
Shirley Ellen Lane, Surviving Joint Tenant of Robert James Lane, Jr., deceased / UNIT NUMBER 1B WEEK NUMBER(S) 5, 6, 7 & 8 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,405.92 / $1.41 / $2,832.11 / 2315 Cove Trail Crystal MI 48818
Torey Long and Jessica Long / UNIT NUMBER 2E WEEK NUMBER 20 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,206.08 / $0.80 / $1,613.03 / 15841 Cass Dr. Punta Gorda FL 33982 Terrence J. Bolan and Daniel S. Jahnsen / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER 28 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 830 Broad St., Suite 4 Shrewsbury NJ 07702
Renay Owen / UNIT NUMBER 3F WEEK NUMBER 17 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,256.31 / $0.83 / $1,664.06 / 62 Palmer St. Brevard NC 28712
Kenneth Lance Price and Cynthia Sue Price / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER 23 and UNIT NUMBER 1H WEEK NUMBER 29 and UNIT NUMBER 1L WEEK NUMBER 31 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 & 2023000371281 / $1,967.53 / $1.19 / $2,386.69 / 6442 Painter Farm Ln. Knoxville TN 37931-2577
Anthony Alan Campbell / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER 43 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,208.22 / $0.80 / $1,615.20 / 2660 Sea Biscuit Ln. Kokomo IN 46901 David Dufour and Maria Dufour / UNIT NUMBER 3H WEEK NUMBER 19 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,287.42 / $0.84 / $1,695.67 / 134 Kenwood Estates Griswold CT 06351 Keith Orr / UNIT NUMBER 1M WEEK NUMBER 50 and UNIT NUMBER 3M WEEK NUMBER 51 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,409.38 / $1.41 / $2,835.63 / 2757 Bernadette Rd. Columbus OH 43204
Charles Callan and Lynda Callan a/k/a Lynda Coker / UNIT NUMBER 1C WEEK NUMBER 48 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 12 Locust St. Rome GA 30161
James W. Page / UNIT NUMBER 2J WEEK NUMBER 30 and UNIT NUMBER 3E WEEK NUMBER 20 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 5369 Sunny Burke Dr. Sun Prairie WI 53590 Maureen Wade and Todd Wade / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER(S) 9 & 10 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 328
Grand Overlook Dr. Seneca SC 29678 Donald R. Spawn and Priscilla K. Spawn / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER 21 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 736 51st St. Pipestone MN 56164
Daniel Gaines and Judith A. Gaines / UNIT NUMBER 1H WEEK NUMBER 24 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 8002 Omaha Ct. Smyrna TN 37167
Stefano Piscopo / UNIT NUMBER 1B WEEK NUMBER 1 and UNIT NUMBER 1L WEEK NUMBER 35 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 112 Boulevard Des Etats-Unis Vichy 3200 France
Neal B. Janov and Susanne G. Janov / UNIT NUMBER 1C WEEK NUMBER 3 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 11311 Lake Tree Court Boca Raton FL 33498 Gary H. Moen and Mary Ann Moen and Melissa A. Moen and Christopher G. Moen and Melanie M. Moen and Matthew J. Moen / UNIT NUMBER 1C WEEK NUMBER 10 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 & 2023000371281 / $1,208.22 / $0.80 / $1,615.20 / 491 North Shore Drive Forest Lake MN 55025
Scott C. Jones / UNIT NUMBER 1C WEEK NUMBER 32 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 346 Central Ave. Naples FL 34102
Richard A. Serrell / UNIT NUMBER 1D WEEK NUMBER 30 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 2180 Eastwind Terr. Port Charlotte FL 33953
Cheri Lee Keller / UNIT NUMBER 1D WEEK NUMBER 40 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 187 N. Date Palm Dr. Gilbert AZ 85234
Carol Beth Moyer f/k/a Carol B. Flores / UNIT NUMBER 1D WEEK NUMBER 49 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,576.46 / $0.99 / $1,989.35 / 811 Challenger Ave. Davenport FL 33897
Catherine Ann Tetreault and Raymond Thomas Tetreault / UNIT NUMBER 1E WEEK NUMBER 20 & 30 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1298 Deer Run Trail Belle River ON N0R 1A0 Canada Suellen Rainey Best / UNIT NUMBER 1E WEEK NUMBER 34 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1791 Hogback Mountain Rd. Tryon NC 28782
Kurt A. Fischer / UNIT NUMBER 1E WEEK NUMBER 43 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 2467 Ferry Rd. Charlotte VT 05445
Alice C. Parrish / UNIT NUMBER 1F WEEK NUMBER 24 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1919 East 74th Place Tulsa OK 74136
Jerry M. Fruchey and Kelly R. Drysdale / UNIT NUMBER 1G WEEK NUMBER 21 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 3802 Northcreek Drive Fort Wayne IN 46835
John B. Runge , Steven M. Runge and Sandra K. Guerin / UNIT NUMBER 1J WEEK NUMBER 11 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,660.89 / $1.03 / $2,075.13 / 22233 Blue Water Road Chandler TX 75758
Jill F. Bevan / UNIT NUMBER 1J WEEK NUMBER 25 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1605 58th Terrace So. #1 St. Petersburg FL 33712
Kenneth M. Jacobus and Nancy E. Jacobus / UNIT NUMBER 1J WEEK NUMBER 28 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.04 / $2,073.06 / 902 SE 27th Street Cape Coral FL 33904
Daniel W. Kryglowski and Florence M. Kryglowski / UNIT NUMBER 1K WEEK NUMBER 30 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 3612 Circle Drive Flint MI 48507
Mari-Claire Zimmerman and William Paul Zimmerman / UNIT NUMBER 1C WEEK NUMBER 36 and UNIT NUMBER 1M WEEK NUMBER 27 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / S. 44 W. 34127 Deer Park Dr. Dousman WI 53118
Michele A. Marsala, as Successor Trustee of the Michael A. Marsala Revocable Trust utd 06-28-95 and The Estate of Helen M. Marsala / UNIT NUMBER 1N WEEK NUMBER 27 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 14 Cherrywood Way
Taylorsville GA 30178
Pamela Arnn, Surviving Joint Tenant of Jean L. Swangren, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2A WEEK NUMBER 23 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 2687 Amesbury Rd. Winston-Salem NC 27103
Charles P. Blekre and Yvonne H. Blekre, as Trustees of the Charles P. Blekre and Yvonne H. Blekre Revocable Trust under Agreements dated August 17, 2009 / UNIT NUMBER 2A WEEK NUMBER(S) 25, 32 & 41 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $3,295.95 / $1.86 / $3,736.42 / 2018 7th Ave. NE Rochester MN 55906
Robert A. Edwards and Susan K. Schwartz / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 3 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1514 Bixby Ave. Bemidji MN 56601
David A. Voelker / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 31 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 7 Dartmouth Dr. Ft. Mitchell KY 41017-2806
Michael J. Beno / UNIT NUMBER 2D WEEK NUMBER(S) 51 & 52 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,576.44 / $0.99 / $1,989.33 / P.O. Box 235 Schreiber ON P0T 2S0 Canada Mitchell S. Leventhal / UNIT NUMBER 2E WEEK NUMBER 2 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 & 2023000371281 / $1,200.50 / $0.80 / $1,607.36 / 9161 Woodcut Court Mason OH 45040
Peter William Kujtan and Irene Julia Kujtan / UNIT NUMBER 2E WEEK NUMBER(S) 10 & 11 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 3111 Cornish Rd. Mississauga ON L5L 4T8 Canada Kathleen McDonald and Michael Murphy / UNIT NUMBER 2F WEEK NUMBER 22 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 5811 Crystal Lake Lane, Apt. 101 N. Fort Myers FL 33917 Leonard W. Ineson a/k/a Leonard Ineson and Karen Ineson / UNIT NUMBER 2F WEEK NUMBER 24 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 3202 Shoreline Dr. Oakville ON L6L 5X4 Canada
Charles V. Wilson and D. Diane Wilson / UNIT NUMBER 2G WEEK NUMBER 4 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 11218 N. Steven St. Mooresville IN 46158 Sandra K. Hendee / UNIT NUMBER 2H WEEK NUMBER 22 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 934 SE 27th St. Cape Coral FL 33904
Linda Casazza a/k/a Linda Cassaza / UNIT NUMBER 2H WEEK NUMBER 39 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,238.06 / $0.82 / $1,645.52 / 45 Plaza Drive Newton NJ 07860
John Szpilka and Yvonne Szpilka / UNIT NUMBER 2J WEEK NUMBER 16 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 160 N. 3rd St. Sayville NY 11782
Linda Ringhouse , Robin Schroeder and Bradley Ringhouse / UNIT NUMBER 1J WEEK NUMBER 18 and UNIT NUMBER 2F WEEK NUMBER 17 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,583.33 / $1.50 / $3,012.37 / 256 Fairview Ave. Bayport NY 11705
Denise D. Corey, Surviving Spouse of Gordon W. Casey, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2K WEEK NUMBER 18 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 13566 Starwood Lane Fort Myers FL 33912 Louis R. Windt and Judy K. Windt / UNIT NUMBER 2N WEEK NUMBER(S) 25 & 26 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 444 SW Hibiscus St. Port St. Lucie FL 34983
Otis E. Forbing, Surviving Spouse of Wanda Ann Forbing, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2N WEEK NUMBER 36 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / P.O. Box 1730 Sanibel FL 33957
Sheldon Labrosse and Marie Labrosse / UNIT NUMBER 3A WEEK NUMBER 36 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 17463 Terry Ave. Port Charlotte FL 33948
Tilden W. Stewart and Cynthia A. Stewart / UNIT NUMBER 3B WEEK NUMBER 15 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 6940 Penzance Blvd. Ft. Myers FL 33966
Gary Moen , Mary Ann Moen , Craig Moen , Mary Moen and David Wieden, Surviving Joint Tenants of Sheri Wieden, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2F
WEEK NUMBER 6 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,208.22 / $0.80 / $1,615.20 / 491 N. Shore Dr. Forest Lake MN 55025
Terry Lee Carroll and Gloria June Carroll / UNIT NUMBER 3E WEEK NUMBER 16 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 2321 Burnside Ave. Oregon OH 43616
Scott D’Amico and Suzanne D’Amico / UNIT NUMBER 3E WEEK NUMBER 23 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 16 Radcliff Lane Farmingdale NY 11735
Lynda B. McFarland / UNIT NUMBER 3E WEEK NUMBER 27 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 6841 Ridgevue Dr. Pittsburgh PA 15236
Ammini K. Kanacheril, Surviving Spouse of Joseph J. Kanacheril, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 3F WEEK NUMBER 36 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 13849 Riverforest Drive Ft. Myers FL 33905
Martin Walsh / UNIT NUMBER 3G WEEK NUMBER 16 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 186 Price St. Naples FL 34114
William B. Tomberlin and Jo Ann M. Tomberlin / UNIT NUMBER 3G WEEK NUMBER 45 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 6625 Rosewood Ct. Mission KS 66205
June Molin / UNIT NUMBER 3H WEEK NUMBER 3 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,660.89 / $1.03 / $2,075.13 / 531 N. Ocean Blvd. #511 Pompano Beach FL 33062
Laurie L. Welsh-Putnam a/k/a Laurie Lyn Putnam / UNIT NUMBER 3H WEEK NUMBER 28 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 8967 Northeast Colonnade Drive Hillsboro OR 97124 Dr. Robert Armstrong / UNIT NUMBER 3J WEEK NUMBER 33 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.07 / 2278 Springbank Hts. Way Alberta AB T3Z 1C7 Canada
Philip D. Babcock and Terry Babcock / UNIT NUMBER 3J WEEK NUMBER 50 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 4491 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno CA 93726-1904
Trevor Goodwin and Elaine Y. Goodwin / UNIT NUMBER 3K WEEK NUMBER 23 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 401 Minter Drive Warner Robbins GA 31088
Teresa Tobias and Bobbi Baker a/k/a Bobbie Contreras / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 21 and UNIT NUMBER 3K WEEK NUMBER 26 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 407 Schiller St. Hermann MO 65041 Reginald H. Carr a/k/a Reginald Carr and Deborah C. Carr a/k/a Deborah Carr / UNIT NUMBER 2K WEEK NUMBER 16 and UNIT NUMBER 3D WEEK NUMBER 4 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 2235 Canal St. Ft. Myers FL 33901
Donald P. Mowry and Sue Ella Mowry / UNIT NUMBER 1A WEEK NUMBER(S) 22, 44 & 46 and UNIT NUMBER 2K WEEK NUMBER 28 and UNIT NUMBER 3L WEEK NUMBER 37 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $4,933.25 / $2.70 / $5,399.97 / 608 Kenridge Dr. Middletown OH 45042-3914
Scott A. Wolfe , Stephen Wolfe and Sallie L. Nally / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 29 and UNIT NUMBER 3K WEEK NUMBER 25 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 7442 Laurel Lane, Apt. C Maineville OH 45039-8762
David R. Gowing a/k/a David Gowing and Patricia A. Gowing a/k/a Patricia Gowing / UNIT NUMBER 1M WEEK NUMBER 42 and UNIT NUMBER 3M WEEK NUMBER 18 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.30 / $1.45 / $2,904.64 / 57 Oaktree Avenue Pucklechurch Bristol BS16 9SF United Kingdom
Richard J. Sheraden and Suzanne M. Sheraden / UNIT NUMBER 1H WEEK NUMBER 19 and UNIT NUMBER 2C WEEK NUMBER 20 and UNIT NUMBER 3N WEEK NUMBER 46 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $3,295.95 / $1.86 / $3,736.42 / 5005 Sun N. Lake Blvd. #111 Sebring FL 33872-2175
Letha A. Taylor / UNIT NUMBER 2B WEEK NUMBER 26 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 1045 Churchman Ave. Beech Grove IN 46107
David S. Deerberg and Michelle A. Deerberg / UNIT NUMBER 2K WEEK NUMBER 25 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 3831 Grove St. Lane Indianapolis IN 46203
Alan L. Gambill and Marah J. Gambill / UNIT NUMBER 1E WEEK NUMBER 47 and UNIT NUMBER 3D WEEK NUMBER 5 and UNIT NUMBER 3K WEEK NUMBER 36 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,991.66 / $1.20 / $2,411.21 / 5792 E. Landersdale Rd. Camby IN 46113
Lisa Gabrielle and Nancy White / UNIT NUMBER 1H WEEK NUMBER 30 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,622.92 / $1.02 / $2,036.66 / 544 Greenhaven Rd. Pawcatuck CT 06379 Brittney Diaw / UNIT NUMBER 2M WEEK NUMBER 29 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.04 / $2,072.96 / 7415 Praise Ln. Knoxville TN 37918
Richard Pifer and Ann Pifer / UNIT NUMBER 3G WEEK NUMBER 47 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.17 / 25260 Marion Ave. Punta Gorda FL 33950 Wayne W. Anderson and Brittany N. Anderson / UNIT NUMBER 3N WEEK NUMBER 38 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,215.96 / $0.81 / $1,623.17 / 15586 Spring Line Ln. Fort Myers FL 33905
Paul A. Schofield and Kerry Woods Schofield / UNIT NUMBER 1K WEEK NUMBER 24 and UNIT NUMBER 3A WEEK NUMBER 25 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,477.07 / $1.45 / $2,904.40 / 27 Adam Lane Raynham MA 02797
Sheldon Bivins and Gina GattoBivins / UNIT NUMBER 2F WEEK NUMBER 33 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,660.89 / $1.03 / $2,075.13 / 230 North Land Grand Island NY 14072
Randy J. Zeltman and Eileen McGovern / UNIT NUMBER 1K WEEK NUMBER 28 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 12760 Allendale Circle Ft. Myers FL 33912
Tracy R. Swim / UNIT NUMBER 3H WEEK NUMBER 40 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 18214 Steele Ave. Port Charlotte FL 33948-6155
Mary Ann Wilson / UNIT NUMBER 2E WEEK NUMBER 35 and UNIT NUMBER 2H WEEK NUMBER 35 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,591.92 / $1.00 / $2,005.06 / 17033 Hickory Hollow Rd. Kimbolton OH 43749
Julia R. Sinclair and William T. Sinclair / UNIT NUMBER 1B WEEK NUMBER 15 and UNIT NUMBER 1J WEEK NUMBER 47 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,622.96 / $1.02 / $2,036.59 / 1402 Roberts Street La Porte IN 46350
Michael Kemp and Linda Kemp / UNIT NUMBER 3F WEEK NUMBER 24 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 16639 Citrus Parkway Clemont FL 34714 Eileen Leone / UNIT NUMBER 1G WEEK NUMBER 27 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 14 Cherrywood Way Taylorsville GA 30178
Donna Lorkovich and Joe Lorkovich / UNIT NUMBER 3K WEEK NUMBER 41 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $1,615.77 / $1.01 / $2,029.29 / 4266 Casgrain Dr. Windsor ON N9G 2A8 Canada
Kathleen Rae Doan as the surviving spouse of David Allen Doan, deceased / UNIT NUMBER 2C WEEK NUMBER 21 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 & 2023000371281 / $1,658.65 / $1.03 / $2,072.86 / 4705 Lelani Lane Bonita Springs FL 34134-7133
James A. McAnulty and Patricia A. McAnulty, Husband and Wife / UNIT NUMBER 3A WEEK NUMBER 17 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000358654 / $2,573.84 / $1.50 / $3,002.72 / 11527 Gainsborough Way Lehigh Acres FL 33971
Grandwest Vacation Properties, LTD, a Michigan Corporation / UNIT NUMBER 3E WEEK NUMBER 1 / February 1, 2023 / 2023000371281 / $1,573.65 / $0.79 / $2,670.33 / 3200 Broadmoor Ave SE Grand Rapids MI 49512
*if living, and if dead, the unknown spouse, heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, lienors, creditors, trustees and all other parties claiming an interest by, through, under and against the above/named Obligor(s)
December 1, 8, 2023 23-03710L
Observer Media Group